
Columbus Crew - News - 10/31/2004

A great season ending with a great game! How can anyone fault Greg after he coached the team to a record season? Whoever that was sitting behind me and cursing our coach, give it up! We'll have another great season next year. At least we will if we can hold onto our team and keep them off the roster of the farm teams.

So, now that the MLS is coming to a close, it is time to focus on the Premiership.
Newsday.com - AP Health: "The Cleveland Clinic says it is the first institution to receive review board approval of human facial transplant"

Can you say Castor Troy?

This can only lead to some bizarre reality T.V. show. I'm sure it will premiere on Fox, or maybe MTV.
Vote for Sale!

My father has chosen to endorse two candidates in local races simply because they are clients. I do not believe for a second that they actually represent his beliefs. Or perhaps he has allowed his opinion to be sold as well.


Very funny and very simple endorsement of President Bush.

IMAO: The IMAO Presidential Endorsement


If you have not had an opportunity to attend a major political rally, I highly recommend it. Simply being present with other supporters and cheering for your candidate creates a personal connection to the campaign. The race becomes real. Perhaps a comparison between watching the Super Bowl and sitting on the 50 yard line would be appropriate.

This afternoon I did the liberal thing and rode the bus. I was on my way from campus to Nationwide to join the, approximately 23,000, conservative faithful, and other interested parties, to listen to George Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Apparently the line began to form around noon, more than six hours early for the event. By time I arrived at three o’clock the line was more than half-way around the block and the arena. When the lines finally emptied into the Arena, the seats were packed and even filled the standing room only space.

I would have thought with Hollywood and all of the musicians, actors and media supporting the democrats that they would have the best campaign event productions. However, they don’t call it the Grand Old Party for nothing. The entire event, from location to music and video, was impeccably designed and produced. The introductory video was touching. Looking back at four years of change and growth stirred the emotions of the audience, and this author, climaxing in George Bush making a post-9/11 pitch from the Yankee mound. That pitch did more than start the game, it started the recovery of the nation.

Franklin Country Republican Chairman, Doug Preisse, moderated the event. He quickly taught the audience the single-clap applause, although it would be quickly forgotten when Governor Schwarzenegger took the stage. After introducing each of the candidates on the November 2 ballot, and the subsequent single-clap, a few candidates shared their thoughts. Lt. Governor Jennette Bradley, Representative Pat Tiberi, even a rare appearance by Ohio Chief Justice Thomas Moyer, and Jo Ann Davidson all spent a few minutes stoking the audience and asking for our vote on Tuesday.

Please do not overlook this final point. Each of the candidates, including George Bush, asked for my vote. I suppose some would say this is implied by putting their name on a sign and sticking it in my yard, but for me this final and simple action makes a difference. Anyone with sales experience will recognize that this is a classical step in the sales process, and a classical sales mistake if skipped. By asking for my vote the candidate is empowering me to choose and offering the candidates humble service in exchange for my confidence.

After a short musical interlude, and a hot dog where I discovered relish, it became clear the festivities were picking up around the stage. Big as life, Governor Schwarzenegger marched onto stage with a smile a mile wide. President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush followed shortly behind and the three of them stood arm-in-arm waving and smiling during the longest applause break I have ever seen. I hate to estimate, but I don’t think 10 minutes would be entirely off the mark. Governor Schwarzenegger, borrowing from Dana Carvey, admitted he is in Columbus to “pump you up.” The long-time Columbus, Ohio businessman and host of the annual Arnold Classic was obviously a welcome visitor. With applause breaks after every line, Arnold delivered an entertaining and supportive message. He is a model American citizen and appears to value that privilege more than most (not to be construed as support for foreign-born presidential candidates.)

Honestly, I wondered which executive would receive the more aggressive applause, but when Governor Schwarzenegger introduced President George W. Bush he was met with a new level of enthusiasm and applause. George Bush was on message, humble and sincere. He connected deeply with his audience. For more than 45 minutes he shared his vision, shared self-deprecating jokes about the English language, and made fun of his opponent. President George Bush spoke clearly and concisely. He thanked the audience for up lifting his spirit. He humbly asked for my vote. After all these months of furious campaigning his level of energy is tremendous. I am convinced that he is physically and mentally prepared for another four years leading the country.

I wish I could have attended the John Kerry event on Thursday as well for a direct comparison, but I was in class. However, the first person accounts I have been given describe the event as uninspiring and robotic. It would be a shame for democrats if they could not have the same energetic experience the republicans saw on Friday.

Please vote on Tuesday!

Please vote for George Bush!