
CBS News | Let's Have A Smart Board | May 16, 2004�20:34:15

Andy got one thing right tonight, college professors don't work hard enough. For their $80,000 or so a year they should have to work at least as hard as any of their students who aren't likely to ever see $80,000.

Some things that don't qualify as hard work:

  • Re-writting the same book every two years.

  • Using the same lecture and powerpoint presentation every quarter for a decade.

  • Presenting your own opinion in lecture. Professors should do the hard work to present all opinions.

Andy when was the last time you sat through a college lecture? College professors are the reason college graduates can't get jobs. What kind of example do they set with their work habits? They delegate most of their work to their teaching assistants anyway. These unpaid or underpaid teaching assistants are the ones who talk to the students, do the grading and comment on our papers. But I digress.

Andy is also wrong about the "Smart Board" being neither republicans or democrats. Perhaps somewhere in this country you could find a conservative professor, but likely 90% of them are strictly liberal. Liberal politics, liberal social policy and liberal financial policy.

Andy, I invite you to come to Columbus and attend a week of classes. Then decide if these people are smart enough to determine our public policy. Thanks for sharing though.

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