
West Wing on Education

I must be honest here. I do not actually understand what is going on at the West Wing Democratic Presidential Primary. Who is Baker and why is he a candidate now so late in the game? I have never heard of such a thing. But I will say good for him! If he can get the nomination without spending any of the millions of dollars in campaign money then he might get my vote (if he were not a democrat.)

But I digress. The title of this post suggested this would be about Education. Thirty-five minutes into the show there is a wonderful exchange between Josh Lyman and Ernie Gambelli, the president of the Teacher's Union. I'll let you read the transcript for yourself:

Ernie: Teachers' Unions are to the Democratic Party what bibles are to the Republicans. Essential. Non-negotiable.

Ernie: What makes you think you can come in here and ask for our help when Matt Santos wants to end teacher tenure?

Josh: Our school systems are in crisis. We have teachers who aren't trained in the subjects they teach. We've got teachers who are only showing up to pick-up a check.

Ernie: Raise salaries.

Josh: So you are admitting some teachers can be better.

Ernie: I'm admitting their salaries can be better.

On the nose! Arnie has portrayed the liberal professor with flare. A democrat only looking for tenure and higher salaries.

Gotta love the West Wing!

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