
No more passwords! Give 'em the finger!

I demoed a Microsoft Fingerprint Reader and I am very impressed! I was unimpressed with the marketing, but the product outperformed my expectations.

I found it extremely easy to setup and use. It replaced my Windows login with a Digital Persona login to enable fingerprint authentication, but it does not disable password authentication, just incase I forget my fingers in my other gloves or something.

You can record all of your fingers (maybe even a toe if you are really paranoid).

Complaint: It looks like it is going to work with Firefox and detects website logins to allow you to store your username/password information. However when you visit the site again the software tries to record another password instead of just logging in with the stored information.

However, all Internet Explorer logins seem to work and on multiple user systems you just walk up to the computer, press your finger against the reader and you are instantly logged on.

Fabulous product and Sam's club had them for $40, less than anyone else. If you are tired of remember the thousands of passwords we have today and you want to be able to use humanly impossible to remember passwords this is a great tool!

Napoleon Dynamite - **- (2.5 stars)

I am trying to watch Napoleon Dynamite.

Who stuffs "tots" in a pocket for later?

So far I like the other characters better than Napoleon (Jon Heder). I also like that it is set in Idaho, a beautiful state.

Deb (Tina Majorino), the crazy keychain girl has drive and is trying to earn a living.

Pedro (Efren Ramirez), in the words of Napoleon, "Well, you have a sweet bike. And you're really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache."

The remaining characters and Napoleon are losers and just not at all entertaining.

30 minutes in and I just don't get the point. Utah humor, go figure!

Napoleon is wearing a Ricks' College shirt. That's cool. Ricks', now called BYU Idaho, is in Rexburg, Idaho. I drive through a few times a year on my way to Montana. Great little town in the shadow of the Teton Mountains.

It is cool that some indie films are able to do so well. This one was even edited in an apartment on a Mac.

Pedro has ambition, running for student body president. However the hair is ridiculous.

The film portrays Idaho as stuck in the 80's. Certainly there is some of that in the small towns, just like in the small towns of Ohio, New York, or anywhere. Idaho actually has a lot of the West Coast influence and the kids are quite progressive.

83 minutes in... Okay, so the dancing skit is flippin hilarious.

Okay... well maybe 2.5 stars.

Movie Review: Garden State - ***** (Five Stars)

Garden State
Five Stars

Zach Braff is a one man show! Writer, Director and Leading Man. Starring opposite Natalie Portman, Zach plays Andrew Largeman which does not describe him physically, but rather describes his screen presence as large. His character is a young heavily medicated hollywood star.

He returns to his New Jersey home after his parapalegic mother dies in the bathtub. Andrew's medications prevent him from feeling much emotion at his mother's funeral. Then after witnessing his school friends in their less than productive drug haze he is inspired to stop taking the medication prescribed by his psychiatrist father.

The next four days change his life as his medications wear off and he begins to bond with Sam (Natalie Portman).


More Pictures

Yellowstone in the Winter pictures have been posted in Bryan's Album.

PIctures... finally.

Better late than never, I've begun posting the pcitures from West Yellowstone. You can see them in Bryan's Album.


Stumbling out of a limo...

So this evening my family went to the Phoenix Botanical Gardens for an evening of luminaries and musical entertainment. My sister and her husband booked a stylish pimp limo for us. White with rotating lights and a short chauffeur (they are always short or tall, never average). After taking a deep breath, all 10 of us squeezed in long enough to shut the door.

The Botanical Gardens were beautiful.

When we arrived at home, I knew something did not feel right. I had chosen what I thought to be a more comfortable position in the vehicle. I had even managed to elevate my feet.

However, two steps out of the limo I dropped to ground and banged my camera against the driveway.

My left leg was COMPLETELY asleep. I had lost all blood circulation to my lower exteremity.

I swear I had only been drinking hot apple cider. So, I just laid on the pavement for a few minutes then asked for some assistance to a chair indoors.

Next time we will order the stretch-Hummer.


FashionHound in the News

One of my must-read bloggers, FashionHound, was featured in the Columbus Dispatch. Go read the article here, then go read FashionHound, here and here.

Bloggers unite and take over the world! I can see the headline now. First we axed Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather, next all of network news will bow to the strength, accuracy and entertainment of bloggers.


Ahhh, broadband...

Broadband and Wi-fi, I'm back! So lots of pictures tomorrow, I promise.


Beam me up Scotty...

Tonight on Boston Legal, William Shattner was brilliant! This is a much watch show, if for no other reason than to see what crazy stunt Denny Crane will pull next.

Tonight he shot a kidnapper holding Alan Shore hostage, but just before he found two female associates hiding in his office and he greeted them with, "I think I know what's going on here, let's get those clothes off." ROTFLOL!!

That says it all. What a great show. A+

Easing back into civilization

I have spent the last few days in West Yellowstone, MT. I usually get GPRS access which provides dial-up speed internet access even from the lake home. For some reason this trip, I can only access e-mail. It seems that either Cellular One or T-Mobile has managed to block port 80.

Anyway, I borrowed my dad's AOL account and I am using dial-up.. dial-up! Do you believe it? I am actually tethered to a wire. I have not used dial-up in years.

So after a weekend in the "wilderness" I am easing back into civilization. I will be back in Salt Lake City tomorrow.

Once I get back to broadband, I can upload all of my pictures. This was a fabulous trip! I can't believe I have not been here for the Winter in almost 10 years. I will not wait that long again.

So check back tomorrow night for pictures!


Computer Security 101

This is the comprehensive list of security musts for those who care about their security. Read it here. Yes, Bruce Schneier does have a pony tale, but he also knows what he is talking about.


Wish List

In the spirit of Amazon, Google has its own wish list system that is part of Froogle. I have added my own wish list. If you wish to buy me something, start with my Wish List.

Profile Updated

I added a picture and updated my profile. You can see it here.


Not so live blogging in SLC...

Well, my borrowed internet connection has now failed me. I will be seeking other ways to get my posts up.

The skiing at Alta could not possibly be any better. The weather is perfect, the snow is perfect. I wish I were in better shape so I could ski all day, but after 3 or 4 runs my legs are like rubber and I need to relax.

Anyway, I will try to put up my pictures soon.


Live from SLC...

I spent the day on the slopes of Alta, the best Skiers Resort in the country. Less than 45 minutes from Salt Lake City, up the Little Cottonwood Canyon, two ski resorts can be found.

The weather was perfect, the snow was perfect. I was not perfect. Despite an effort to get to the gym for the last few weeks, I was exhausted after every 3 runs.

I can't wait to go back tomorrow!

Where is the Peeping Tom Lobby on Capitol Hill?

After Orin Kerr pointed out the lack of opposition to the Video Voyeurism Prevention Act in this article, Bill Clinton e-mailed him to ask where one could find a Peeping Tom lobby.

Joke #2: So if this prevents photography of a personal nature on federal property, does this mean we can't take pictures up the skirt of the Statue of Liberty anymore?


Conservatory at Night

I saw a wonderful exhibition this evening. My brother, Brad, his friend, Doug, and I went to tour the Franklin Park Conservatory during rare candle lit evening hours. The Conservatory looks great at night. It would be a great place for a date too. Last week Law V. Life also went to an evening at the Consesrvatory.

The Chupungu sculptures are impressive, but the silence, the isolation of different ecosystmes and the Chihuly installations are my favorite. Not to mention the glow-in-the-dark scorpions.

You can see photos of this evening's visit here. I also posted photos of my last visit during the intersection of the annual butterfly exhibit and the height of the Chihuly exhibition. You can see my Chihuly photos here.

Prevent Assault Weapon Violence

Coalition to Prevent Assault Weapon Violence is trying to show the world how much damage assault weapons are capable of raining down on your neighborhood.

Unfortunately their experiment has yet to produce a single flesh wound or broken window.

Many thanks to the The Idiot for the link.


Fly on the Wall

Another funny AmazonTheater short film has been released with a Daryl Hannah cameo. Watch it Here!

Mentally Absent

Three exams down and one more to go. In 14 hours my quarter will be over. Unfotunately I am already mentally absent.

In 60 hours I will be flying over the Wasatch Mountains for a few weeks of relaxation, skiing, snowmobiling in Yellowstone, hiking in Arizona and a family Christmas.

13 hours, 55 minutes...

Maybe I could get some final studying in if I stopped counting down to the end of the quarter.

Worshiping Hayek

Drezner pointed out this link to a tribe in Africa who worship the Great Hayek. Actually the breasts of the great Hayek.

Who would have known that Friedrich, in addition to an economic genius, was a sex symbol?

Woops, wrong Hayek. :) Looks like those tribal men have a thing for Salma.


Thunderbird and AVG

So, you're enjoying Thunderbird? It is a fabulous program. However, you may need to update your method of virus checking your e-mail.

So far there do not appear to be any anti-virus extensions for Thunderbird, however many anti-virus programs will provide a mail proxy. Symantec and McAfee both do this. Now AVG, the BEST free anti-virus protection, has a proxy service as well. Click over to the AVG website and download it here.


Don't blog with Bill Gates

Unlike many computer geeks, I am a consumate Bill Gates fan. His company isn't perfect, his products are not perfect, but he is certainly doing better than anyone else.

However, MSN Spaces has some questionable features. Censorship and assignment of intellectual property, forcing bloggers to grant Microsoft permission to "use, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, modify, translate and reformat" their blog postings.

Sorry Bill, but I am staying with Blogger.


Don't swallow

What kind of gimmick is this?

Diplomacy Bar Trick

Last night on the West Wing, Leo McGarry returned to the Oval Office for the first time since his massive heart attack. Over lunch with C.J. Leo shared a fascinating bar trick which I have not seen before.

I must figure out how it was done. Basically, he interlocked two forks with a toothpick flag (of the Taiwanese Independence Party), and balanced the whole contraption on the lip of a wine glass. Then for a grand finale he lights a match and touches it to the end of the toothpick, the end inside the glass. Just when you think the toothpick is going to burn up and the forks will fall, the burning toothpick magically stops burning at the lip of the glass and the forks remain balanced. Ta da!

I will report back when I figure out the trick. But until then you can read more about it and even see a video at this website.

To top that, the West Wing brought in James Taylor for a Presidential concert.

Great show! I will miss Martin Sheen when he leaves the show.


Blog in Print

Well, the Lantern does not exactly have the journalistic respect of The Economist but they did print my response to their editorial. Here is the link.

Not expecting the Lantern to print anything conservative I also posted the editorial here and here.

UPDATE: As requested here is the link back to my post on "Government Efficiency" which also has a link to the article I was responding to, "Taxes Needed."