
Diplomacy Bar Trick

Last night on the West Wing, Leo McGarry returned to the Oval Office for the first time since his massive heart attack. Over lunch with C.J. Leo shared a fascinating bar trick which I have not seen before.

I must figure out how it was done. Basically, he interlocked two forks with a toothpick flag (of the Taiwanese Independence Party), and balanced the whole contraption on the lip of a wine glass. Then for a grand finale he lights a match and touches it to the end of the toothpick, the end inside the glass. Just when you think the toothpick is going to burn up and the forks will fall, the burning toothpick magically stops burning at the lip of the glass and the forks remain balanced. Ta da!

I will report back when I figure out the trick. But until then you can read more about it and even see a video at this website.

To top that, the West Wing brought in James Taylor for a Presidential concert.

Great show! I will miss Martin Sheen when he leaves the show.

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