
Liberals turn tail and run...

This post has two important messages:
1) George Bush Rocks! Last night's State of the Union was the best since Ronald Regan. Bold, intelligent, and well delivered, President Bush is going to lead this country in the right direction.

Finally a president leading the country and his political party. The last resident of the White House was being led his party, just like the Communists.

2) VC Genius! Jim Lindgren takes the MSM and the liberals to task for suggesting our military in Iraq should surrender. That's right, you heard him, surrender. Leaving Iraq before the job is done is a white flag waving, tail tucked surrender.

60 years after our occupation of Germany began we finally began reducing our presence in Germany last year. Why should anyone believe Iraq is capable of independence so quickly?

The path to self-actualization is three stages. Dependence, Independence, Interdependence. Iraq is still in stage one, highly dependent on the occupying forces.

Surely the violence will subside and our presence will shrink over time, but a timetable for "surrender" is far from appropriate.

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