
(Un)Planned Parenthood

DISCLAIMER: I am not taking a position for or against Planned Parenthood, I just think this is funny.
Irish Law, in her own way, has pointed out that Planned Parenthood is selling Christmas cards.

Christmas celebrates the birth of a child to a virgin mother. Sort of unplanned you might say.

Well, highly planned but not by the mother or earthly father.

Amazon Films

Amazon is making short films available on their website here. You can view them online or even download them for later viewing in very high quality.

I particularly enjoyed the latest film starring Chris Noth as the toothfairy and with a cameo by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos as the security guard.

The First Republican in the Lantern

The Lantern finally featured a Republican on the cover in a positive article. You can read the whole article here. Some of John Kasich's comments echoed my thoughts exactly:

"'In politics, money is everything," he said. "Raising money involves a lot of suck up, and I'm not very good at that."

But Kasich said that even a candidate like John Kerry with virtually limitless resources still needs to show some personality.

"'He wasn't likeable. Nobody liked John Kerry," he said. "He was most likeable the day after he dropped out of the race."

However, I cannot quite imagine what he was thinking when he made these insane comments:

When asked about the war in Iraq, Kasich said, "I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on over there, although I've come to the conclusion that it's bad there and getting worse."

"I don't even know why we're over there, do you?" he said.

He compared the insurgency in Iraq to an infestation of cockroaches, with small numbers of fighters being killed or captured in one area only to reappear in stronger numbers somewhere else.

Why is it that everyone forgets the bad things?


Government Efficiency

Why do I read The Lantern? I am constantly met with misinformation such as this article titled Taxes needed. This anonymous editorial suggests that without the additional 1% in state sales tax that is scheduled to expire next year, Ohioans will not get college education. I am going to quickly try to examine this situation, but this is another of my pet peeve issues that I would love to have time to study in detail.

This is absurd. I know that I don't need to explain the economics of tax to you, preaching to the choir as it is. In this state where liberals continue to plead for lower unemployment, they need to realize that taxes creates unemployment! Period. A sales tax specifically taxes consumer purchases from companies typically hiring lower wage and middle-class employees.

However, think about money loosely in terms of Einstein's relativity, it can be neither created nor destroyed (I realize this is a loose concept.) So the supposed $1.25 billion can either be spent by the Government or saved and spent by the citizens. Approximately $200 per citizen per year. The question is not can one do without $200, the question is who can better decide how to use the $200. This is an issue of efficiency.

Many charities are rated for their efficiency. Usually it terms of how much money ends up spent on the purpose at hand and how much is spent on bureaucracy, salaries and other extraneous expenses. The Government, like any charity, should be measured in terms of efficiency.

A dollar spent for a dollar worth of goods is 100% efficiency. As an individual my efficiency is 100% minus the taxes I pay. Federal income tax reduces this by 30%, state income tax extracts 8%, city income tax takes 2% and sales tax brings it down another 7%. This brings an individual's efficiency to 53%. Charity donations might bring this down another 10%, now I am less than 43% efficient.

So what happens to the 57% consumed by the government and charities? A good charity will spend 75% on the actual charitable cause, so 25% of my lost 10% is a total of 2.5% of an individual's total efficiency lost to a charity, but an individual regains 7.5%. Now the total of an individual's efficiency is about 50.5%. The only remaining question is how much of the government budget is spent efficiently and how much is wasted on salaries and other bureaucracy. I doubt the government can beat 75% efficiency. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and assume the Government is 50% efficient. Therefore 50% of the Government's 47% is a total of 23.5% loss. Individual (100%) - Charity (2.5%) - Taxes (23.5%) = 74% total efficiency. This is probably the most generous measure I could make since it fails to account for capital gains and lots of other factors. However it is easy to see the difference between losing 2.5% of my income by allowing a charity to spend my money and losing 23.5% of my income by allowing the Government to spend my money.

The fundamental economic assumption is that the best way to make economic decisions is in a market. As a market for charity & taxes, the Government extracts HUGE portions of this market through their monopoly. In the market for charity the Government has excessive market power.

Take control of your money and donate to your favorite charity.
Reduce taxes at every opportunity.

Who knows how to best spend YOUR money? You or the Government?

I laughed so hard!

Overlawyered covered a ridiculous lawsuit brought against the Japanese steakhouse Benihana.

Best Actors Studio Ever

Jamie Foxx delivered again. This time as himself in front of the audience at Inside the Actor's Studio. He was entertaining, well spoken and even wove a common thread through his entire interview.

I found his life interesting and inspring.

In general, the comedians have been the best guests for James Lipton. Although I very much enjoyed Jude Law, because he appeared honest, the comedians have the best stage presence. It must be something about the difference between script acting and improv. Will Ferrell, Robin Williams and Jamie Foxx have given excellent shows at the New School.

Accounting is boring II

Dr. Kinard just wrote on the board "smallar payback is better."

That is not my typo, that is his spelling. Now that is some Bad English.


Accounting is boring

I am sitting here with about 1/10 of the class listening to Dr. Kinard comlain that a million dollar lottery is false advertising because it fails to disclose the present value of the winnings. What a loser.


Blogger in the Lantern - Market Decisions

Podraza made an apperance in the Lantern today, you can read the full article here. He expertly responds to a previous editorial and debunks the liberal misconceptions of economics.

This reminds me of a pre-election conversation with another student. This student, who voted for Kerry, insisted that he and his parents vote for democrats because they earn so much money they don't care to keep any more of it. So they are happy letting the government have it? If that is the case then they are free to write the IRS a fat check and drop it in the mail. Their donation would be tax deductible. Unfotunately I directed the conversation toward the issue of how much tax one individual should have to pay. The real question is one of accountability. What institution can best make decisions about how to spend that money? If they have more money than they know what to do with then that is great, however I firmly believe the government is the worst institution when it comes to financial decisions.

What does Bill Gates do with all of his extra money? Does he donate it to the government? No, he started the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation which directly benefits millions of children and people all around the world. Bill does not trust the government to responsibly spend his money. Nobody should.

Way to go Steve! I'm glad to see a rational mind get published in the Liberal Lantern.


MNF Desperate Housewives Promo

Watch with Windows Media

What is all of the controversy about?

Is Academia Liberal?

The final word: Here. Thanks to the VC for pointing out this research. LiLPoh also has some great thoughts on this.

I would love to conduct a similar study here at Ohio State. I am confident that the numbers would be similar.

In summary, Daniel Klein of Santa Clara University surveyed 1000 professors about their political affiliation. This revealed a minimum of a 7 to 1 ratio in favor of Democrats.

Other statistics (Democrat to Republican):

  • Anthropology departments: 30 to 1

  • Sociology: 28 to 1

  • Political Science: 7 to 1

  • Economics: 3 to 1

  • UC Berkley: 10 to 1


Allen may be onto something

Allen at Buckey Law Guy might be onto something with his thoughts on college education. You can read them here.

My comments are at the bottom, I hope he will take my liberal bashing in stride. I do think he has a good point about idealism in school being counterproductive.

"no one washes a rental car"

I agree with ProfessorBainbridge.com: Stephen Bainbridge that the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is spot on with their analysis of Bush policy.

BTW, I actually worked for a guy who would make me have our rental car washed. He had a unique attachment to his vehicles.



Just like Matt I enjoy watching the squirrels. Here at Ohio State they are a regular circus.

My favorite squirrel story is an acrobatic squirrel feat about two years ago. I watched a squirrel make a mad dash across the street and just as he was making his final leap to the safety of the sidewalk, he jumped directly into the side of a bike tire. The poor squirrel was catapulted about 20 feet in the air. Landed with a tuck and roll and took off toward a tree. Huffing and puffing like an exhausted athlete. :)

I think I was the only one who saw it, and I don't think the cyclist even knew. I couldn't stop laughing.

"You guys ever see the Godfather?"

ROTFLOL! Ed DeLine just pulled James Caan's greatest line ever on NBC.com > Las Vegas.

"You guys ever see the Godfather? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Jimmy is great! SNL also did a fabulous Sonny Corleone at a toll booth scene.

Also, tonight was the hotest Las Vegas ever. Sam's dress in the opening sequence... and all of the extras. Smokin'

The Internet and Commerce Clause

I have continued the discussion over at Truck and Barter.

XM Radio Myfi

XM is giving away 7 of the new personal hand-held XM Radio Receivers. This is the coolest product I’ve seen since TiVo.


You should enter the drawing. There will be 1 drawing each week for the next 7 weeks. You can send up to 3 entries per week.

The best news: If you use Outlook or a similar mail program, you can write the e-mail once, make 21 copies, then schedule them to be sent on the appropriate days.

Use this subject: Premium Service Email Entry

The e-mail needs to contain:

City, State Zip


Send the e-mail to: promotions@xmradio.com

Get more info at: http://www.xmradio.com/myfipromotion/index.jsp

To copy a message in Outlook:

Complete the e-mail
Close the e-mail without sending
When prompted if you want to save the e-mail, click Yes.
Open your Drafts folder
Select one or more messages to be copied
Hold the CTRL key while you drag the mail message down an inch to white space below the selected message

To schedule sending on a specific day/time:

Open the mail message
Click on the “Options” button in the toolbar or chose “Options” from the Edit menu.
Check the box next to “Do Not Deliver Before”
Enter the appropriate Date and or time

Schedule 3 e-mails to be sent during each of the following 7 periods:

Nov 15 – Nov 21
Nov 22 – Nov 28
Nov 29 – Dec 5
Dec 6 – Dec 12
Dec 13 – Dec 19
Dec 20 – Dec 26
Dec 27 – Dec 31


Truck and Barter:

I have been invited to contribute to a wonderful economics blog, Truck and Barter. I have merely introduced myself to date but you can read my first post there.



My first link! I owe my local Columbus blog "neighbors" a great big thank you. First to Fashionhound and now to Aaron at Two (presidential) terms later ... and I'll still be a student.

My recent entrance to the Blogosphere has been met with a warm welcome and I look forward to continuing to interact with all of you. I have listed some of my current favorite blogs, but I read 50 blogs a day and watch over 100. I am likely to add more of these fabulous pieces of writing to my blog roll in the future.

Fashionhound and Aaron, thanks again! I have very much enjoyed all the reading and both blogs are excellent examples that I will strive to emulate.

POP for GMail!

Yahoo! News - Gmail Users Soon Able to Check E-Mail Via Outlook

Woo hoo!!!

And we didn't think Gmail could get any better. :)

Voting Booths per Capita

The Columbus Dispatch created this nifty little map to show the number of voters per machine in Franklin County, Ohio. I think that is interesting. It proves that most voters took less than 5 minutes each to vote in the high traffic precincts even if the polls stayed open for an extra hour.

Bottom line: We are not likely to see this level of turnout in the near future. So don't worry about it. Maybe people who don't want to wait should be allowed to request provisional or absentee ballots.

I'm sure that I did not consume more than 3 minutes of booth time and I voted for EVERY issue and race. I was more well prepared than most and I had a Republican slate card with me to help find the right names.

It would certainly speed up the process if people would take two minutes to make up their mind before eleciton day and write down their choices.

NCLB: NO Child Left Behind

This Washington Post article investigates some of the effects of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). I have not yet read NCLB. However, I would like to address the issue of resource allocation in education.

Maria Glod suggests in her article that NCLB has created an undesired effect allowing gifted students to transfer out of poorly performing schools. She insists that NCLB was intended to allow the students with low performance to transfer out. However, mixing gifted and poorly performing students to raise a school's average would be tantamount to fraud.

Is the goal of the school system to ensure average scholastic intelligence and fitness (AS IF)? AS IF ensures that no student is allowed to achieve. Students are not encouraged to excel.

The act is called No Child Left Behind, but the way to achieve this cannot possibly be to ensure that no child is able to leave behind an underperforming education for bigger and better things.

This is one of my new issues. So you will continue to see future posts entitled NCLB.

VoIP: States' Rights vs. Interstate Commerce Clause

The Washington Post concisely sumarizes the issue of VoIP regulation in this article by Yuki Noguchi, covering the recent FCC ruling.

I think this boils down to an issue I have run up against numerous times over the last decade when trying to do business in more than one state. Frequently the increased bureacracy or conflicting laws have made it difficult, excessively expensive or impossible to provide service or products to customers in another state.

I hope I can continue this thought process later. Perhaps I will move this disucssion over to Truck & Barter. Kevin has been generous enough to add me to the Masthead and I will be attempting to fit in with their excellent economic analysis in some future posts.

What are your thoughts on doing interstate business?


Dis-order in the court

I received the following by e-mail from feltnegj@swva.net.

These excerpts are from a book called "Disorder in the American Courts", and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.

Q: Are you sexually active?
A: No, I just lie there.

Q: What is your date of birth?
A: July 15. Q: What year? A: Every year.

Q: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
A: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.

Q: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
A: Yes. Q: And in what ways does it affect your memory? A: I forget.
Q: You forget? Can you give us an example of something that you've forgotten?

Q: How old is your son, the one living with you?
A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
Q: How long has he lived with you?
A: Forty-five years.

Q: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke up that morning?
A: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
Q: And why did that upset you?
A: My name is Susan.

Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?
A: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year-old, how old is he?

Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?

Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
A: Yes.
Q: And what were you doing at that time?

Q: She had three children, right?
A: Yes.
Q: How many were boys?
A: None.
Q: Were there any girls?

Q: How was your first marriage terminated?
A: By death.
Q: And by whose death was it terminated?

Q: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
A: Oral.

Q: Can you describe the individual?
A: He was about medium height and had a beard.
Q: Was this a male, or a female?

Q: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.

Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?
A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.

Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m.
Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?
A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy.

Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for blood pressure?
A: No.
Q: Did you check for breathing?
A: No.
Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
A: No.
Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
Q: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.

"Red Sox alive but condition is 'very complex', say French"

Jeremy posted these very funny headlines over at Crescat Sententia.

Bush Economy

Even on a day when the Dow Jones Industrial (DJI) was esentially steady (down .05%), my virtual portfolio is up. I am now up 14.18% since mid-May. The Dow Jones (DJI) has gained 3.7% over the same period of time.

Without the Bush re-election I was looking at a 6% gain. Bush has doubled my return overnight almost single-handedly. We have also seen 377,000 new jobs in the last month.

It could be a coincidence. Oil prices were bound to drop eventually. Since the election they have dropped about 4%.

Is the increased productivity from low energy prices the sole cause of the surge in investment? As energy prices fall companies assume they will be able to do business cheaper and they will get more bang for their buck.

However, this does not seem to be the case today. Most companies are assuming high energy prices, as seen here and here.

So some other stimulus must be directing companies to think that increased investment will produce a big return. The Bush Agenda is just what the economist ordered.

This is not to be construed as any sort of investment advice or promotion of particular stocks, but for the sake of education here are the companies in my virtual portfolio: ABT AXA CAG CAI FDP IBM JBLU NVS SENEB TOL WY .

Voting Irregularity Hilarity

This experience was reported to me last night. A good friend, well educated and very productive, but young voted for the first time last week.

Here in Franklin County we vote on a electronic machine with mechanical push buttons overlaid with the text of the candidate and ballot choices. The choices flash with small red lights until one is pressed and the light turns solid for that choice. You are welcome to press a different selection at any time.

Full instructions here.

So my friend, we'll just refer to him as G, found himself with the curtain closed and he only wanted to vote for three issues and the President. He found a pencil hanging by a cord inside the booth, he picked it up and began pressing his selection for President (Bush I hope).

Now he was ready to make his issue selections, but the pencil would not reach those issues, the cord wasn't long enough.

LOL!!!! Use your finger G!

I could not stop laughing when he told me this story. The pencil is for write in votes only.

I guess this is the kind of thinking that got senior citizens in trouble in Florida. If only G could use old age as an excuse, he's under 25.

Wow, I hope nobody else experience this sort of voter disenfranchisement. :)

I did notice a tremendous number of new voters who were anxious about how to use the voting equipment. Hopefully everyone will understand how it works when they vote in the Spring or next Fall. Oh, wait, they won't show up again for 4 to 40 years. We will be lucky to see 40% turnout for any election in the next 4 years.


Another justification for procrastinating

Over at Marginal Revolution, Daniel Akst found this article that proves people can not be productive at home. I guess that is why I am writing this blog instead of preparing for tomorrow as I planned to all day.

The full article Daniel references can be read here.

I have noticed this year I just did not get any work done unless I got out of the house. I began spending hours at Panera for their free Wi-fi and it is very productive time, when I'm not catching up on the blogosphere.

So much for the home-office movement.

ABC: Timing is everything

I guess ABC thinks they are getting the jump on everyone else with this election coverage stuff.

I just saw this ad this evening. I realize it is likely Yahoo's error or an oversight, but it is humurous that ABC has allowed this advertisement to continue a week late.

Boston Legal

William Shatner is a genius! Boston Legal is the funniest show on TV if only for Captain Kirk's fabulous dialogue. While his character's mental accuity is in question, Shatner has proven he is still sharp as a whip.


My portfolio is up almost 7% since the end of October. Since President Bush was re-confirmed for another 4 years everything is up. Well, except Jet Blue. The airline industry just can't seem to get the formula right.

If only I had actual money in my porfolio, I might not have to go to school. It is fun to watch and trade online though.

President Bush

This video was played before the rally at Nationwide Arena. It was very well produced, and frankly I was quite moved. I know the election is over, but I still recommend watching this video.

I have been looking for the video for a week, I finally found it at GeorgeWBush.com


More Liberal NYTwits

In this article, by Adam Liptak, the New York Times continues to demonstrate they are pessimistic bias liberals and cannot let go of the election. Perhaps they are afraid that the next four years the terrorists might be dealt more setbacks, the economy might boom and the American people might be happy. I guess they can't print good news.

As an Ohio resident I am sick of being insulted by outsiders who insist we are not taking our responsibility to vote seriously. Adam writes, "Voting machines in Ohio failed to register votes for president in 92,000 cases." He continues, "a number that includes failure to cast a vote, disallowed double votes and possible counting errors." FAILURE TO CAST A VOTE... That means the person didn't vote for president but sumbitted a ballot. THIS IS NOT AN ERROR. More than 100 million people DID NOT VOTE. George Carlin chose not to vote for president this year. By phrasing his sentence as he did Adam clearly is trying to convince people that 92,000 people were denied their privilege to vote. Perhaps some amount of these are counting errors and legitimately should be recounted, but there is no proof that these errors benefit one party or the other.

On November 2 probably 50 to 80 million people who have never voted or do not vote more than once every four years sought their polling place and attempted to vote. Some percentage of these people are bound to screw up something, it is just part of the process. If they had gone to a primary earlier in the year or voted for some local issues each year they would konw how to vote (it really is not DIFFICULT.)

LONG LINES: What would happen if 120 million people all tried to shop at Wal-Mart on the same day? Lines would be around the block. Where else in the world can any group of 120 million people do anything in a single day? This country's freeway system can barely handle all the cars going to work in the morning. However, I do understand the dillemma of choosing between work and voting. I will address this in a future post. I have a proposal, but I'm still working on it.

Don't worry, be happy! 120 million people organizing to participate in the same activity on the same day is a MIRACLE! Please find joy in this and we can continue to improve the process, but by polarizing and being so negative Adam is disenfranchising more voters than any punchcard or hanging chad.

Adam Liptak has a history of publishing his liberal agenda in the New York Times, more evidence can be seen Here


The sooner we put Democrats on the endangered species list the better.

Anderson Cooper last night shared the funniest post-election commentary I've heard yet. Watch the video or read the transcript below:

Real Player Video here

CNN.com - Transcripts: "Tonight taking a modest proposal to 'The Nth Degree.' We better face facts. The sooner we put Democrats on the endangered species list the better. If we want our children's children to be able to see these magnificent creatures in the wild, there really isn't any time to lose.

Consider, Democrats were once to be found everywhere, from end of the continental U.S. to the other and from north to south, in many different climates and topographies. That was then. This is now. More and more, Democrats are confined to small, widely scattered pockets, mostly around tall builds and within driving distance of three and four-star restaurants. There were reduced to supporting themselves by playing the harmonica, making low documentary budget films and writing accounts of their lives. It's sad really. If we don't want Democrats to go the way of the buffalo or the tall grass prairie over the passenger pigeon, we'd better act now. It's up to each of us. Put a few healthy Democrats aside in a clean dry place, keep them in wine and cheese. Check in on them from time to time. We have at least maintain a breeding stock.

I'm Anderson Cooper, thanks for watching 360. Coming up next, PAULA ZAHN NOW.'"

How to Cancel AOL Account

How to Cancel AOL Account

I did not even know that I had an AOL account. It seems to have been tied to some promotional site that promised a free something.

That really isn't the point of this blog, I'm sure you can find AOL horror stories all over the web.

After telling my credit card company to reverse the charge a few days ago, I decided I would call AOL today just to see what happened.

It was an unusually pleasant experience. Stephen, AKA MoonMan2001@aol.com, offered another 2 months of free service and suggested that I can get FREE AOL service for life by going to keyword AOLVALUE. I don't believe it for a second, but as retention programs go, I was very impressed.

By the way, MoonMan2001, is obviously an American native. So my fears of my call being chopped up and shipped across three continents over VoIP were quickly soothed. I was only on hold for maybe 90 seconds.

I still don't use AOL and I don't plan on using AOL anytime soon, but I am very impressed with these improvements.

The O.C.

Taking its que from The Sopranos, Fox waited for the end of baseball to air Season 2 of The O.C.

Not the best show on television, but probably the best teen drama with sufficient adult content to keep us all enterained. In fact the last night's episode began with a Chippendale's construction scene that seemed entirely unnecessary to me.

My favorite exchange occured between Sandy and Caleb in a clandestine parking garage meeting reminiscent of Deep Throat.

Caleb: "I don't get it. His best friend leaves so he runs off with another boy and his gay dad. You've got to admit it sounds kinda strange."

Sandy: "And this coming from a guy who was one click away from wearing a wig and a mustache."



Now that the election is over what on Earth will the media find to report? Is there anything else happening that they can report?

Over the last month or two it has seemed that the whole world has been on pause waiting for our Presidential election.


Acceptance 2.0

15:00 - The Regan Building is a packed house!

15:01 - Vice President Dick Cheney (DC) and his family are now on stage.

15:02 - The President and Mrs. Bush enter to the sound of that presidential song, what's it called, oh yeah "Hail to the Chief."

The Bush Twins are dressed up real nice. They are so hot! I'm a sucker for women with power. :)

Both families have huge smiles and seem to have significantly more energy than the John's did.

15:05 - lol! DC points out that he contributed to the Bush/Cheney ticket by delivering Wyoming's 3 electoral votes. :)

15:07 - DC turns the podium over to Mr. President.

15:08 - President Bush says some nice words about John Kerry and his supporters.

15:09 - "My family comes first. Laura is the love of my life."

This is the man I want lead our country!!

15:11 - I want to thank, "The Architect, Karl Rove." :)

15:13 - "Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks." - This is a smart man. He seems to have a new clarity. I have not doubt that God has answered his prayers and ours.

15:13 - "We have entered a season of hope." - Bill Clinton asked you to vote for George Bush, the candidate who offers hope, not fear.

15:15 - Bush asks for the support of every voter who chose Kerry. "One Country, one Constituion and one future that binds us... There is no limit to the greatness of America."

TiVo To Do List

I'm really just waiting for The O.C. tomorrow, but I think there will be some T.V. on tonight too. I'm sure I will love The West Wing, I always do. How many terms do you suppose President Bartlet will be elected to?

That 70's Show, "Rip This Joint" - always good for a laugh and boy do we need to relax after that election!

The West Wing, "Third-Day Story" - I can't believe they killed off so many characters in the last few episodes. I guess they are trying to fill the gap until The Sopranos comes back.

LAX, "Pictures to Prove It" - Each episode seems more or less the same. Something happens, the airport gets locked down and everyone will get fired unless Heather Locklear and Blair UnderWEAR can save the day. Heather is hot.

Jack & Bobby, "Election Night" - Supposedly a surprise ending based on the outcome of the 2004 election, we'll see. Excellent show, but I doubt it will survive outside of the Election Year attention.

CSI: NY, "A Man a Mile" - The Gotham version of the original, this CSI is dark and Gary Sinise is perfect.

Smallville, "Jinx" - Going back to the SciFi roots of this show. Likely to loose a lot of voters. When they finally converted to a more typical teen melodrama and got rid of all the meteorite mutations it began doing very well.

Two John's...

Finally on stage, Kerry and Edwards are now on stage in Boston, at Faneuil hall, ready to concede the election.

13:58 - John Edwards (JE) thanks everyone. Asserts everyone's vote will still be counted.

14:04 - JE keeps it short.

14:05 - John Kerry (JK ) exhausted and emotional addresses America.

14:02 - JK thanks his partner and very good friend JE

14:08 - Damn Fox News cameraman can't seem to keep the camera still.

14:13 - JK thanks kids who raided their piggy banks to fund his campaign.

14:17 - JK, "We are required now to work together."

14:20 - JK "Glod Bless America."

I hope he takes a long vacation. Oh, wait, he still has a job in the Senate. Maybe he forgot too, he hasn't been to work all year. Time to get your butt back to the Hill!

Thanks for a great race. It likely would not have been as exciting if there was no viable competition.

Media vs. Blogs

While waiting for Kerry to find the nerve to step up to the podium in Boston, Fox News is blaming bloggers for the exit poll error. They suggested that bloggers were predicting a Kerry win.

Obviously they were reading the wrong blogs. How fair and balanced of them.

Fashion Police Blotter

Many thanks to FashionHound for recognizing this attempt at blogging.

Google Error

What is this all about?

403 Forbidden


We're sorry...

... but we can't process your request right now. A computer virus or spyware application is sending us automated requests, and it appears that your computer or network has been infected.

We'll restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon. In the meantime, you might want to run a virus checker or spyware remover to make sure that your computer is free of viruses and other spurious software.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope we'll see you again on Google. "

Kerry Concedes

Finally!!! George Bush is expected to speak at 3 PM, time to go back to bed.

Looking forward to 4 years of prosperity and solidarity.


My second alarm clock did finally wake me up a few short hours after I finally closed my eyes. I was able to get up and put on some clothes and, without enough time for a shower, pick out a baseball cap. I made it to campus safely and meandered into my classroom. However, I am not present.

I can only barely tell the professor is talking. I need more sleep.


Bush Victory: "The president, who is typically in bed by 10, stayed up until 5 a.m."

After a year of campaigning and weeks of frantic travel throughout the country, President Bush still had the energy to watch the results roll in until 5 A.M. He is an extraordinary man. We are all lucky to benefit from his leadership.

I expect his energy will be contagious over the next four years and the country, the economy and the world will be energized by his leadership.

John Edwards

I think he came out on stage without his makeup on. He must have lost his compact.

Speaking of losing, that was basically a concession speech. They are just prolonging the pain.

Tom, Everyone can understand

"Everyone can understand why they would want to play this out till the last vote is counted." -- Tom Brokaw

Well Tom, everyone can understand why the liberal media, and all media outlets for that matter, would want to drag this out. If you had to go back to reporting real news tomorrow you wouldn't know what to do.

This election marks a significant decline of traditional media.

Long live the blogs!

Warning to all Buckeyes!

The lawyers are coming! John Kerry couldn't get enough voters to turn out in his favor so he's going to deploy lawyers on the Boston Red Sox jet to Ohio. 105,000+ is not close!

Who pulls the strings?

Argh! CNN is claiming Ohio is too close to call and won't commit tonight. They are TRYING to make Ohio into their contested "Florida" of 2004.

The Kerry campaign decided they are going to need to use legal challenges and recounts to drag out their campaign and try to steal some votes from Ohio.

Immediately following this decision, CNN decided to call Ohio "too close to call." 100,000 votes is not close. Not in any statistical anomaly.

Election '04

CNN.com Election 2004 - U.S. President

Can't.... keeeeep..... eyeeeeeeeees, ooopen annny more. Must sleeeeeep............. zzzzzzzzzzzz...........

Wake me when Bush announces acceptance!!! Go Bush! 4 more years!!!!


Tonight's TiVo To Do List

When all of the election coverage is over tomorrow (if we are all lucky) what will be left on the TiVo between episodes of Anderson Cooper and The O'Reilly Factor?

The major networks will only be airing election coverage for at least the next 6 hours. Fortunately some struggling networks have nothing better to do than try to snag a few electoral hermits. The UPN and WB networks will be airing new episodes of One Tree Hill and Gilmore Girls on WB, also Kevin Hill and Veronica Mars on UPN. Normally running opposite network programming TiVo has been unable to capture episodes of Kevin Hill, which I enjoy very much. Maybe tonight is the night.

Love live TiVo!

I voted today!

I voted. About a 45 minute process from parking to applying "I voted today" sticker. Which I subsequently lost. :(

Crowds of first time voters of all ages. Once behind the curtain they all seem to be able to make a connection between their index finger and the voting machine. It just is not that difficult.

One request: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE NICE to the poll workers. They have donated their entire day to facillitate our political process. They are doing the best they can.

The senior citizens behind me in line complained about the 30 to 45 minute wait, the fact that fewer A-K voters were at the polling place and therefore had a shorter line and anything else they could come up with. If you don't work and you are being paid by the government (via social security) the least you can do it show up once every four years and wait 1 or 2 hours in line to vote. Without complaining! Walk a mile in their shoes if you want to complain. If you are retired why are you not sitting behind the table working at the polls?
No go for Shell gasoline.

I almost ran out of gas today trying to find a Shell station with active pumps. All weekend I watched the needle hover on E, but four Shell locations later and two days of the flashing "Low Fuel" message I sold out and filled at a Mobil.

Is this a political stunt? The stations are owned by a Republican Senator, although I don't believe his seat is up for election this year.


This is very important election day advice!