
More Liberal NYTwits

In this article, by Adam Liptak, the New York Times continues to demonstrate they are pessimistic bias liberals and cannot let go of the election. Perhaps they are afraid that the next four years the terrorists might be dealt more setbacks, the economy might boom and the American people might be happy. I guess they can't print good news.

As an Ohio resident I am sick of being insulted by outsiders who insist we are not taking our responsibility to vote seriously. Adam writes, "Voting machines in Ohio failed to register votes for president in 92,000 cases." He continues, "a number that includes failure to cast a vote, disallowed double votes and possible counting errors." FAILURE TO CAST A VOTE... That means the person didn't vote for president but sumbitted a ballot. THIS IS NOT AN ERROR. More than 100 million people DID NOT VOTE. George Carlin chose not to vote for president this year. By phrasing his sentence as he did Adam clearly is trying to convince people that 92,000 people were denied their privilege to vote. Perhaps some amount of these are counting errors and legitimately should be recounted, but there is no proof that these errors benefit one party or the other.

On November 2 probably 50 to 80 million people who have never voted or do not vote more than once every four years sought their polling place and attempted to vote. Some percentage of these people are bound to screw up something, it is just part of the process. If they had gone to a primary earlier in the year or voted for some local issues each year they would konw how to vote (it really is not DIFFICULT.)

LONG LINES: What would happen if 120 million people all tried to shop at Wal-Mart on the same day? Lines would be around the block. Where else in the world can any group of 120 million people do anything in a single day? This country's freeway system can barely handle all the cars going to work in the morning. However, I do understand the dillemma of choosing between work and voting. I will address this in a future post. I have a proposal, but I'm still working on it.

Don't worry, be happy! 120 million people organizing to participate in the same activity on the same day is a MIRACLE! Please find joy in this and we can continue to improve the process, but by polarizing and being so negative Adam is disenfranchising more voters than any punchcard or hanging chad.

Adam Liptak has a history of publishing his liberal agenda in the New York Times, more evidence can be seen Here

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