
Acceptance 2.0

15:00 - The Regan Building is a packed house!

15:01 - Vice President Dick Cheney (DC) and his family are now on stage.

15:02 - The President and Mrs. Bush enter to the sound of that presidential song, what's it called, oh yeah "Hail to the Chief."

The Bush Twins are dressed up real nice. They are so hot! I'm a sucker for women with power. :)

Both families have huge smiles and seem to have significantly more energy than the John's did.

15:05 - lol! DC points out that he contributed to the Bush/Cheney ticket by delivering Wyoming's 3 electoral votes. :)

15:07 - DC turns the podium over to Mr. President.

15:08 - President Bush says some nice words about John Kerry and his supporters.

15:09 - "My family comes first. Laura is the love of my life."

This is the man I want lead our country!!

15:11 - I want to thank, "The Architect, Karl Rove." :)

15:13 - "Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks." - This is a smart man. He seems to have a new clarity. I have not doubt that God has answered his prayers and ours.

15:13 - "We have entered a season of hope." - Bill Clinton asked you to vote for George Bush, the candidate who offers hope, not fear.

15:15 - Bush asks for the support of every voter who chose Kerry. "One Country, one Constituion and one future that binds us... There is no limit to the greatness of America."

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