
The sooner we put Democrats on the endangered species list the better.

Anderson Cooper last night shared the funniest post-election commentary I've heard yet. Watch the video or read the transcript below:

Real Player Video here

CNN.com - Transcripts: "Tonight taking a modest proposal to 'The Nth Degree.' We better face facts. The sooner we put Democrats on the endangered species list the better. If we want our children's children to be able to see these magnificent creatures in the wild, there really isn't any time to lose.

Consider, Democrats were once to be found everywhere, from end of the continental U.S. to the other and from north to south, in many different climates and topographies. That was then. This is now. More and more, Democrats are confined to small, widely scattered pockets, mostly around tall builds and within driving distance of three and four-star restaurants. There were reduced to supporting themselves by playing the harmonica, making low documentary budget films and writing accounts of their lives. It's sad really. If we don't want Democrats to go the way of the buffalo or the tall grass prairie over the passenger pigeon, we'd better act now. It's up to each of us. Put a few healthy Democrats aside in a clean dry place, keep them in wine and cheese. Check in on them from time to time. We have at least maintain a breeding stock.

I'm Anderson Cooper, thanks for watching 360. Coming up next, PAULA ZAHN NOW.'"

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